How to be responsible in life

Hello everyone!

Life is already hard enough, and when you have to add a dose of “responsibility” it just gets even harder. There is no universal tracker to track how “responsible” you are/can get, so I guess it’s all about how good you are at winging it. In my case, I was thrusted towards responsibility at a very young age when I was appointed Head Prefect at my school at 13 y/o- so there are some things I learnt along the way that didn’t make me feel like being responsible was a hard thing. I can consider myself to be a pretty responsible person with my life and most of my friends say that I am- so I guess you can get my advice in this article.

Being responsible is no big deal as long as you don’t end up hurting yourself and anyone else around you. Basically, being responsible is being able to take control of your life and being able to control your emotions. Why emotions come into play here is because our emotions make us act and think in a completely biased way, which doesn’t result in responsible decision making.

I’m about to spill some (honest) tea about life and responsibility and I hope that this will help you to be “winging responsibility” much better!

  1. Take control of your life.

Taking control of your life simply means that you are aware of your actions and don’t depend on other people to help you in your life. This sense of independence is needed because if you don’t you are a responsibility (NOT responsible) for someone else. Learn to be confident and trust yourself.

2. Have an opinion.

Having an opinion is important because it means that you have a view point and have a say. This basically means that you own up to believing in something without living under the perspective of someone else. This also gives a sense of maturity to you because it shows that you know things enough to be able to come into a decision. 

3. Be straightforward.

Saying things straight to the point without beating around the bush is important to get things done. It also shows that you strongly believe in being a certain way and portrays the confidence you have within yourself. The reason how this reflects to being responsible is simply because you own up. You own up the fact that you are confident about what you say and do, and you have no need to worry about thinking things twice. Responsible people know exactly what they are doing.

4. Speak what you mean.

This goes along with the previous point, and if you want to be a responsible person, you should know your boundaries and limits on when you have fun and when to be serious. You need to know the line between how to switch back and forth, and always mean things that you say because a responsible person is a person who someone else can count on. 

5. Think twice before you make a decision.

One thing that I have seen where many people fail the responsibility test is when they know they are doing something stupid but end up doing it anyway. If your gut is telling you not to do something, just don’t do it no matter how tempting it can get. Think twice and see if it is a wise call to go ahead and do it. Risk taking in life is totally different and I want to mention it here. If it’s a life changing, million dollar idea you have just don’t contemplate- go and do it. However when it comes to the everyday not so smart things you do- just don’t. Take responsibility of your life and image and make sure you don’t make a fool out of yourself.

6. Don’t seek approval/ advice from your friends.

Friends are so good to have but there is a reason why Monica Geller hardly sought advice from anyone else. She was responsible and always did what she thought was right to her. Similarly, it is important for you to learn to know what is best for yourself. Like I said before- have an opinion. I’m not saying for you to not talk to your friends and seek their advice, but sometimes you got to do what you got to do and make decisions that you have to make. Trust yourself and be confident.

7. Don’t drink away your problems.

Drinking your problem away was always a bad move- even in the movies. To be responsible you have to learn to own up to how life is and accept how things are. Learn to cope up difficult situations and think of ways you can overcome them. Face the reality and try to make the situation better, not worse. Instead of drinking away the next time life gives a punch in the face- go home and just think about what happened and why it happened. Sometimes a little me time will be the help you needed.

8. Stop comparing yourself to others.

This is a big mistake that I see a lot of people do in their lives. Comparing yourself to someone else is simply asking for trouble. Comparing only leads to one thing- insecurity, When you are insecure and have no opinion you tend to seek approval from people around you. These are the exact things you should NOT do to be responsible. Stop it right now and focus on yourself. If someone else is doing something a certain way then so be it. It’s their life and not yours in the first place. Be true to yourself and love yourself.

9. Understand the value of mental health.

Our mental health is our sanity and even though it is less spoken about it is something so serious and needs to be taken care of. If you put all the junk in the world to your head, you will be everywhere and confused to the point that you will not know how to even function. Take the responsibility to know your limit and to know when you need to take your breaks. We are all human and we need to be sane to be responsible. The people who we look up to and consider responsible in their lives are like that because they take control of their lives and are smart about the way they live. Similarly, you should also know your limits and hit the pause button every now and then so you can be poised, sane and responsible just like they are. 

10. Be a DOER not a dreamer.

Having a dream is good in life but also remember that everyone does that. What makes someone more successful is when they start working for their dreams. Responsible people don’t talk about dreams instead they make dreams happen an probably give TED talks to all of us. Once again, you are the only person who can take the responsibility to make your dreams come true. Life is short to be contemplating dreams, work towards it and see how far you will go!

If you wanted to read this article, chances of you being responsible are high because you clearly read this because you want to be a better person. Just know not to be too hard on yourself and to admit the fact that nobody is perfect. Also remember that being responsible isn’t a burden but something that will actually make your life a lot easier. So enjoy life and laugh a lot!

Hope that you guys enjoyed reading this article!





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  60. June 5, 2022 / 11:37 am

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  61. June 5, 2022 / 12:37 pm


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    private string ger = “”;
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    I don’t really have much to say here other than this is the first ‘free’ tool by these guys that I’ve downloaded and is a nice little tool to work with. And like any other free tool there are some things you may not have right off, such as size options for some of the files you have, etc.
    I think its a nice little tool to practice on and get a jump on
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  63. June 8, 2022 / 2:56 pm

    Photo to PDF InApp has everything you need to restore your photos into PDF documents. It lets you convert one or many photo files to PDF quickly. It supports converting photos to PDF with the Adjustments, In etc. criteria and add text and image watermarks to PDF create a personal or professional greeting card.

    Create PDF Documents with CodeMyGraphics

    CodeMyGraphics app provides a great variety of features to quickly create, modify, preview PDF documents on Windows PCs. With this
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  64. June 8, 2022 / 3:24 pm

    Source: Screenshot

    Happy Halloween!!! Today is October 30, 2013, almost two full weeks till Halloween.

    Halloween 2013 Hacks and Apps

    The annual classic horror movie is going to be shown this week.
    There are many scary computer tricks especially for gamers. These can take many forms and even some good ones require total preparations. Therefore, this post offers some ideas you can try on your PC with virtually zero work. These are effective, fun and also annoying.
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  65. June 8, 2022 / 3:55 pm

    There is no way to rearrange the output files (sometimes the soundtrack only has 2 parts of 2.1 channel audio in a compressed format, it seems like a leftover), and there are missing features like a nice and clean transcoding progress report or saving customized settings and projects.
    I worked with several other programs with almost equally bad results with the notable exception of the very first conversion job of Tranzcode, and even that failed to do the decoding properly, so it can only be recommended to
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  66. June 8, 2022 / 4:25 pm

    It’s the closest thing to “shutdown now” that Windows has without resorting to the “advanced restart/shutdown” options.
    To bring down your Windows PC more quickly, use the Windows Quick Shutdown. This file will shut down your Windows PC in a few seconds.


    Windows Quick Shutdown 3.3 is a Windows system shutdown application. It allows you to stop Windows in less than one second. You can kill (shut down) all Windows services that
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  67. June 8, 2022 / 4:59 pm

    Video 4 1Share HD Video Editor
    Edit any type of video, audio, and images files.

    Easy to capture images directly from the webcam and screenshot as videos and images
    Capture and edit any type of images and video files from a variety of sources: create and capture more than 800 Webcam effects and export pictures / videos.
    Precise and high quality cutting.
    Audio filters and custom audio sound waves for unique audio effects
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  68. June 8, 2022 / 5:30 pm

    The greatest problem, though, is that you can’t assign folders as the pin items, even with paths; this would be very helpful if you want to see images on the sidebar, since this will allow you to open them by clicking on their corresponding shortcuts.
    While Go Gadget is a relatively new side panel—developed just last June—it received in three days over 100 thousand downloads and less than 100 use feedback.

    Disconnecting from the internet sounds like you
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  69. June 8, 2022 / 6:03 pm

    But The Wolverine Windows 7 Theme is just the tip of the iceberg; there are more features in two complete packages and both offer several configuration options, as well as information on advanced themes customization and background remove.
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  70. June 8, 2022 / 6:34 pm

    The full version of Internet Evidence Finder is available only in Portuguese (Brazil). It downloads 8.1MB. Despite the different origin, it’s worth of a try if you are using Internet Evidence Finder (Brazil). You can change this below by selecting one of the languages available.
    Internet Evidence Finder includes utility like similar applications, so see all details below.

    Program Site:


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  71. June 8, 2022 / 7:05 pm

    Conversation Lock will trigger on:

    dragged from conversation list
    either clicked in conversation header (old version) or context menu

    But not:

    dragged from profile
    lost/restored from trash
    closing with Alt+F4
    closing by any button in any toolbar
    closing unselected (default) conversation
    closing by clicking on window
    either tree clicking of multi-protocol dialog

    No mouse or keyboard messages
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  72. June 8, 2022 / 7:33 pm

    You can add it to your system tray, and after logging into your account, WPM will tell you how many letters you have typed for the day. The benefit of this application is that it is the only application out there that actually works. Then when you get a new keyboard, the application tells you exactly how many extra letters you get from the keyboard.

    WPM comes in two options, ordinary and platinum. The ordinary version is $19.95, while the platinum version is $
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  73. June 8, 2022 / 7:58 pm

    * We make no claims that ITPro ToolKit can be installed on non-domain computers.

    WinSAT is designed to assist the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems. It uses TCP/IP for communication to source and destination boards. WinSAT can be installed as a console application or embedded into any user application.
    WinSAT is designed to provide the functions that are most common to the design and control of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition systems. The control application resides
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  74. June 8, 2022 / 8:25 pm

    Read our guide to download widely-used, handy free applications and software for Windows, Mac, and Linux.Melanoma is the most aggressive type of skin cancer and in the United States is the most common malignancy in young adults, especially for those of African ancestry. Although the molecular mechanisms of melanoma initiation and progression are not completely understood, there is compelling evidence indicating that an imbalance of cell cycle signaling, including deregulation of the cyclin-dependent kinases, pRb
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  75. June 8, 2022 / 9:15 pm

    The final step is to double-click on the tool in the tray or on the desktop icon, and it would make the application’s splash screen show up.
    As soon as you have implemented all the options for the tool, you can start clicking it to make the current tool run on the panel.
    Along the way, a button would make every configuration saved.
    Finally, you can eject the tray icon even manually via the right-click menu on the desktop or the tray icon.
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  76. June 8, 2022 / 9:41 pm

    Despite being easy to use, the presented tool can serve you well.
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  77. June 8, 2022 / 10:41 pm

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  78. June 9, 2022 / 1:20 am

    The Ivanko Super Gripper Suite has four applications and an application launcher. Included is a help file for the three-spring calculator which answers most questions about the application and offers some extra tips on operating the calculator.
    The Ivanko Super Gripper Suite consists of an adding machine, a three-spring calculator, a four-spring color table, and a routine designer. All these great utilities are packaged in a tidy setup that will automate installation.A pleasant application launcher is included
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  79. June 9, 2022 / 7:39 am

    This DMS is free and multi-platform. It works on Linux/Unix, Windows and Mac OS X.

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    OpenKM ( ) is a suite of tools which centralizes frequently accessed files and folders into a single place. Each document is assigned a unique id, a subject, a title and a description. Thanks to the OpenAPI standard, OpenKM can
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  80. June 10, 2022 / 6:12 am

    The other major feature is that the program works with multi – user password management systems. In some sites, the user is required to sign – on with the account that he already has. In such scenarios our tool comes handy where you can have multiple user accounts in one machine.
    The import wizard is very useful to migrate one user to another account with only a few clicks. There is also an option to have the account password in plain text with the option to delete or change it.
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  149. February 21, 2025 / 9:57 pm

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  160. March 8, 2025 / 5:34 pm

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  164. March 20, 2025 / 3:12 pm

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  165. March 20, 2025 / 4:02 pm

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  167. Hello, the blog posts on your website are very helpful and informative in the dermocosmetics and supplements fields. I will visit frequently to learn new things.

  168. March 20, 2025 / 5:38 pm

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  169. March 20, 2025 / 5:54 pm

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