How are some people great in everything they do?

*Disclaimer- I didn’t want such an important topic to be written in some fancy bullet points and have cute pics. This is going to be one long article, so buckle up!!*

Hello everyone!

Today I want to have some real talk with you guys on this one deeming question of how certain people are just “flawless.” Just as much as we are in awe them, we just don’t realize that we judge them based on what we see. I dug deep into this question, and I came across some interesting facts and tips which will help you to be this so called “flawless” self and also to make a choice if that is the kind of life you actually want to live like. 

One of the most important thing to understand in this scenario is that some people are very good at pretending. Just like how Photoshop gives us false expectations on beauty. We need to understand that in today’s world with so much happening online, people really can “edit” their lives too.

Here are 3 things you need to realize that looks can be deceiving.

  1. You only see what they choose to show you.

Just like I said before we are all human, and as humans we have emotions. If you think there are heartless people out there, well they really aren’t- probably something traumatic happened in their life that affected them so much to act that way. Getting on with the point, just imagine for a second how we don’t know the life of certain celebrities, but of certain people we know a lot better. It totally depends on what they show.

2. Practice makes perfect.

If you had seen someone be better at something, it could be that some people are practicing much more than the rest of us, or actually committing themselves to any given situation more which eventually makes them better. Like in the movies we see the crazy person practice at home, same story.

3. Don’t trust social media.

Social media is something that kills the brains of us because everyone pretends to be someone whom they are not. They will either have pictures with plastered smiles when they just feeling like they are dying on the inside. Don’t let an outfit and caption trick you. No one can be that happy- unless they are truly in bliss (which btw, we know when it is genuine).

Here are some tips how you can be great in everything you do.

Being great in everything you do is not an impossible task. But one thing important to realize is that not everyone really is good in literally everything. These people just have a selected set of things they are good at and in like a certain “field” of things. Take an actor for example. They have good looks, are good in acting, singing, talking in front of large crowds, giving speeches, presentations, probably can play an instrument, can dance very well, knows the industry and it’s history, loved by many people and have a lot of money. All of these things just go hand in hand, and it makes perfect sense how they are good because that was what they have been working for their entire life. Take an engineer- they are good with numbers, mechanics, storing a lot of technical information, very handy with their projects, have the most craziest ideas, good with presentation, sketching, even painting for that matter. 

  1. Know your limit.

Life is not a race and we are all born in this world for a reason, and all of us have a purpose. If we all were the same, there will be no variation in this world and it will be very boring. You need to know that in spite the social pressure that we have to be good in everything we do, we actually don’t need to do that in our life. Give yourself a break and work on things that you actually enjoy. If someone judges you or even if you feel like you can’t sing even though you have tried a million times, if you are good in art- my advice is to focus on art. That way you will be good in art. Like I said before, we might not be able to see it- but the mot successful people, practice what they are good at day and night.

2. Be true to yourself.

This is something so important that a lot tend to forget. Like I said before, we are all here for a reason. You need to be genuine in your heart in whatever you do, and the universe helps you. I might sound weird but we all know that it’s true. People who are good in everything don’t care and worry about what everyone else is doing. They do them and that’s why they slay.

3. Don’t be a COPYCAT.

One of my biggest pet peeves is a copycat and it gets me on my nerves when someone does it. Originality is so lacking nowadays that it’s so saddening that some people just have to copy someone else to get attention. There is a difference between gaining inspiration and being a copy cat. Get inspired by the way certain people lead their lives, just don’t go to copy the exact same thing. Have a say in your life- and take control of it.

4. Be open for learning.

This is something that I personally advice anyone who wants be to be better at anything. Put away your ego and be open for learning. This world is changing so fast and everything becomes obsolete in seconds. Make use of the internet in a smart way and make yourself a learning machine.

5. Be open for constructive criticism.

One great quality of great people are that they are open for constructive criticism. This is a good way of getting other people’s perspective and improve yourself. This is not hate and I advice you NEVER to give into hate. Hate comments put you down while constructive criticism shapes to be better. You need to understand the fine line between these two and act accordingly when received.

6. Find your passion/ reason for life.

People who are great in what they do are like that because they actually enjoy doing it. This is why having  a passion matters here. If you don’t even have the slightest likeness to do something and if it feels like it is draining the life out of you- it is because you don’t have any motivation to do so. You have two options here, find your passion or force yourself to like what you are going if the end result means so much to you. Sometimes, you might not enjoy 100% of something because things like stress, anger, anxiety can take over- but that’s all normal if you are still doing it because it is the reason for your life.

7. Work at your own pace.

One common quote I say a lot in my blog is not to compare your chapter 1 with someone else’s chapter 10. This applies here too because we are only good at something as we are right now as of right now. To improve and be better we need to work on that for a certain period of time so it can take a while. Don’t rush into something and then feel like you’re at this constant race against time that makes you exhausted and frustrated. Work on your own time, and your chance to shine will come along. I promise.

8. Don’t compare yourself with others.

Comparing yourself like I said before is the worst thing you can do to yourself. It will not make you any good at anything, but only make you just hate yourself more and demotivate you from your goals. People who are good at everything they do never compare, that’s why they are so free. They don’t waste their time comparing themselves but instead trying their best to be the best version of themselves.

9. Accept the fact that some people are really born with talent.

This sadly, is one fact that we have to all accept. What is given to certain people from the universe is something that is out of our capacity to control. My advice is to get inspired by these kind of people but don’t go seeking advice from them, unless otherwise they really try to make themselves even better. Why I’m saying this is because sometimes people with talent just don’t understand how to explain something that they naturally do. Don’t take it personal, but get inspiration from their overall style and ethic and use them to make yourself better.

Greatness just doesn’t come without trying and it wouldn’t come unless you have a need to. It is not easy being great and it is such an honor for someone to be great in what they do. Why I said it because it shows how much dedication a person has to be themselves. It is clearly not narcissism but genuine interest to push themselves to be better. 

You need to be disciplined in your mind enough to work towards what you need to achieve. This is very important because if you are someone that changes your mind constantly not knowing what you need to do- this will all be in vain. Don’t worry- YOU GOT THIS. I believe in you! 

I really hope that this article helped you guys, and I thought a lot before I wrote this so that I can make it to be as simple as possible. Please do let me know in the comments below if this article helped you even in the slightest way! 

Hope that you guys enjoyed reading this article!





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  40. June 5, 2022 / 4:58 am

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  41. June 5, 2022 / 5:26 am

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  42. June 5, 2022 / 5:53 am

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  43. June 5, 2022 / 6:21 am

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  44. June 5, 2022 / 7:23 am

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  45. June 5, 2022 / 8:52 am

    With several sub-topics divided into individual chapters, the electronic book is a good tool for learning about a problem on a step-by-step basis.

    Table of contents

    Table of contents :

    Table of contents

    Chapter 1: Your body’s systems

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  46. June 5, 2022 / 9:18 am

    What is new in this release:

    Small improvements and bug fixes

    Developer’s description

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  47. June 5, 2022 / 9:38 am

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  48. June 5, 2022 / 10:12 am

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  49. June 5, 2022 / 10:43 am

    OneSnip is a source code-snippets management tool that is mainly focused on the C/C++ open source developers. The program not only enable to browse for user-defined snippets of C/C++ code, it is also able to export a Python file containing predefined snippets of code.

    OpenRC is a replacement for the proprietary service management daemon “update-rc.d”. It integrates into your OEL, and it requires no changes to be made to
    ec5d62056f hedalu

  50. June 5, 2022 / 11:23 am

    Contact ExtractorNokNokWhosThere is also a tool to extract contacts and message with NokNokWhosThere software. Here is a full review on how to use both actions and how you can add them to a batch file.Download goNokNokWhosThere, and test it and see if it is the application you need and if it helps you with your problem.Nokia PC SuiteYou can use Nokia PC Suite software to download the software to extract and
    ec5d62056f elisgra

  51. June 5, 2022 / 12:23 pm

    Don’t underestimate what the application can do as a utility, so make sure to check it out if you haven’t done so already.
    Easy to use
    Fast & efficient
    Can be used on the go

    Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5

    iPhone OS 3.2.2

    Amazon Review Summary

    No features0

    Great value


    ec5d62056f thoreli

  52. June 5, 2022 / 1:24 pm

    Easy to use
    Smart DVD ripper
    Can rip entire DVDs
    Backing up support
    None known

    Magic DVD Mux Converter is a DVD/Blu-ray-to-iPod converter. It includes the ability to convert audio, subtitles, menus, chapters, etc. from one DVD/Blu-ray to another (including iPod, HTC Touch, Apple iPhone, AVCHD and PSP). It allows you to transfer MP4/3GP,
    ec5d62056f harmai

  53. June 5, 2022 / 2:29 pm

    Kubera is an application that allows you to prepare bicycle fleets for the year-end audit.
    The new version of the program supports two basic types of bike inspections – fixed-rate / limited-time-use inspections and random audits. For example, this
    will allow you to determine a threshold for your vehicles at a certain time or place, where the vehicles that have a lot of faults are sent to your
    repair shops.
    Note. All importing is based on the distance
    ec5d62056f lawmae

  54. June 5, 2022 / 5:50 pm


    Compiled from source on:

    Lucas’s Package:

    Always updates to the latest version

    Distributed under GPLv2

    Developed in Alexander O’Mara’s free time


    This software is disabled by default

    It’s not nice to cheat (child proof)

    If you have any problems, comment here and I’ll look into it. Don’t ask Lucas for help, he won’t hear it
    ec5d62056f petale

  55. June 8, 2022 / 3:04 pm


    Doubts in Jquery

    I am trying to append an a tag with a boolean value in a function which is called every time a radio button is clicked and which is also called by other functions like byclick().
    So, when I click a radio button, I want to flag which radio button is on and which state is ‘on’ and want to append a tag with the flag inside.
    $(“input[name=” + $(this).attr(”
    50e0806aeb wisdlat

  56. June 8, 2022 / 3:33 pm

    OS Guide | How to | Windows support team:
    — Microsoft (@Microsoft) June 26, 2016
    Last update: April 11, 2019Albumin as a surrogate marker of protein-energy malnutrition in Indonesian children.
    To study the association between nutrient intake and levels of serum albumin and immune function at the same time. In a cross-sectional study, a total of 503 children aged 1-14
    50e0806aeb taleflo

  57. June 8, 2022 / 4:34 pm

    There is nothing better than a whole set of links that let you take your keyword into a website and instantly search out the result on a web page. As a user who is a bit of a scraper, this functionality was invaluable when I wanted to look up a specific word.
    But it’s not always so easy to find your needed keyword. If you are not familiar with SEO, it gets harder to find the right keyword in the search engines.
    So here is a
    50e0806aeb samkae

  58. June 8, 2022 / 5:08 pm

    Because of that, it runs under Windows version 2000 or later.
    It is ideally suited for computer hardware/software users (such as technicians and administrators) since it runs quickly and quietly and does not take much resources.
    – Does not perform any tasks or operations in your PC, such as modifying Registry settings or booting your computer.
    – Runs in idle mode (without user interaction) in your computer without affecting your programs.
    – Displays a list of available system hardware and
    50e0806aeb kahobet

  59. June 8, 2022 / 5:39 pm

    A small but amazing animation of playing waves only serves you well after getting used to this lovely water scene.
    No nasty ads, no virus or any malware protection.

    Version 1.4 Fixed:

    – Fixed problem with saving the data to the files in the program folder.

    Version 1.3 Fixed:

    – Fixed the freezing problem.
    – If you continue to run the game during installation, the problem was fixed.
    – If you transfer backup files to
    50e0806aeb elileig

  60. June 8, 2022 / 6:11 pm

    MathPath includes a set of tools that will help you analyze data in your MathLab scripts, or modify them for more advanced, far-reaching projects.
    The most critical of them, named Analysebox, offers a set of functions that you can use to instantaneously generate graphical representations of whatever object you encounter while running your script, from bottom to top.
    These colorful dots are one of the things that makes the viewer’s identify MathPath, and as a result, its
    50e0806aeb jalhal

  61. veagior
    June 8, 2022 / 6:43 pm

    With the help of source code files, you can create projects and solutions, generate code for programs in various languages, libraries and project types, create a specification for external classes, as well as download or create XML, JSON, other documents as chunks of code or update and add existing document fragments.
    Comprehensive environment
    The interface of the program is not only simple and user-friendly, but also provides a number of tools, shortcuts and other features that allows you to quickly and easily create source code documents, parts of files or entire projects. The program also allows you to import codes from your files, create conditional statements, create arrays
    50e0806aeb veagior

  62. June 8, 2022 / 7:14 pm

    MiniTool Power Data Recovery is an easy-to-use tool to recover partitions, files, and data from a wide range of hard drives. You can recover data from hard disks and CD-ROMs. The tool supports all types of hard drive, such as PC, CD-R/CD-RW, DVD-ROM, Red, rewritable, as well as Macintosh and other devices. You can preview, preview, and recovery data to see whether the tool recover the files
    50e0806aeb warale

  63. June 8, 2022 / 7:40 pm

    You probably guessed that you can also configure many other items, however.

    File::FindDirectory operates with the System Configuration File settings.
    These settings default to everything, unless it says otherwise.
    You can manually or
    automatically configure most of these settings using File::FindDirectory.
    Here is a list of the currently available settings.
    4.1 About the System Configuration File
    System Configuration File
    Default Password and Username
    Options for the Control
    50e0806aeb fabyjan

  64. June 8, 2022 / 8:05 pm

    Participation of DNA methylation in the activation of dendritic cells following clinical application of a glutathione-gold-encapsulated covalent formulation.
    Administration of glutathione (GSH) components encapsulated in gold nanoparticles (Au-GNPs) induces the activation of dendritic cells (DCs). In this study, the molecular mechanism underlying this activation was investigated. Following repeated intravenous administration of a GSH-Au-GNP-
    50e0806aeb manque

  65. June 8, 2022 / 8:32 pm

    Contact for full license options or for a trial license.
    pagar [at]
    The license is valid for a 1 year period or 30 days, depending on which license is activated, with a backup email activation. If backup email activation is not possible, activation will only be valid for 30 days. Payment is processed via PayPal and VISA or MASTERCARD cards are accepted by e-mailing a copy of your credit
    50e0806aeb phylfaus

  66. June 8, 2022 / 8:57 pm

    It is standalone; no additional software installation is needed.

    It is a good idea to use YKConverter with other Yandex.toolkittools that require UTF-8 encodings, because Yandex.toolkittools extracts text from non-UTF-8 encoded documents. One of such tools is 1-CLAT, so the YKConverter utility may be used to convert text in non-UTF-8 encoded formats.
    However, in
    50e0806aeb toddzant

  67. June 8, 2022 / 9:22 pm

    The application runs silently in the system tray without interrupting your work. You can download MemInfo Portable from

    Download (1030KB)



    If you’re running Windows 7, this small utility is a must-have to keep an eye on your computer’s memory usage.


    Leave a comment.


    I used it for a long time without touching by mouse.
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  68. June 8, 2022 / 9:48 pm

    ■ Yahoo! Search Widget Engine (Other platforms have not been tested)
    This is one of the few Widgets that shows precipitation in the US in
    real time. You can go back in time to 3 days or just forward 1 hour.
    There is also an option to do this in a second window.
    Just because the radar map is shown on Yahoo! Widgets, there is no guarantee
    that you will get the same kind of data because not all receivers feed
    50e0806aeb tranulua

  69. June 8, 2022 / 10:52 pm



    Release Date:

    November 3, 2012



    System requirements:

    Microsoft® Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1 (both x64 and x86 versions are supported), Windows® 10 version 1403 or later; Oracle® 10, Oracle® 11, Oracle® 12, Oracle® Sun System Access;

    * All software products that we display on our
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  70. June 9, 2022 / 3:10 am

    Designed and developed by the ZAGRAZ Team, an on-line community of enthusiasts of model trains, this tool is utterly trustworthy, open to every kind of user, and with satisfactory features and a well-organized design.
    Download: iTrain (DAZ / Pupy / OpenBD)

    Most of us have seen scenes from 1960s movies where the handsome Tony gets into the cab of his train, flips the switch of the cab’s diesel engine and
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  71. June 9, 2022 / 9:28 am

    is required.
    ■ Javascript enabled in your browser.
    ■ Internet connection
    ■ The proper users and cookies must be installed on your PC.
    Important Note:
    This program was written in Delphi but you can run this project on any Windows platform.
    ReadLottoMonitor.cpp, ReadLottoMonitor.h file are written for Visual Studio++ and for Delphi.
    Http.cpp and Http.h are written for PHP.
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